Monday, November 15, 2010

big board

RAJNIKANT bought an acre of land with 4 wells in each corner?
To play carom..

wts the time?

Rajnikant doesn’t wear a watch, HE decides what time it is.


Rajnikant’s hand is the only hand that can beat a Royal Flush

power pushups

When Rajnikant does a pushup, he isn’t lifting himself up, he’s pushing the Earth down.

Rajnikant counted to infinity – twice.

outer space

Outer space exists because it’s afraid to be on the same planet with Rajnikant.


There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Rajnikant has allowed to live.


This is the ultimate joke of all..
Once photo of rajinikant was given to get it xeroxed
Guess wat
We got two xerox machines..;-)

500 crores

All sardars hv decided to offer 500 crores to rajnikant as a thank you token for shifting people’s focus from




Diwali special

Breaking news: NASA doesn’t exists anymore….Rajnikant bought rockets, satellites and all of it for diwali crackers.

fastest service

The only way to make data packet travel faster than light, is to make Rajnikant send them.

May you have so much money that even Rajnikant can’t count it

rough books

Rough book used by Rajnikant in his school days is today known as Wikipedia – the encyclopedia.

Rajnikant knows victoria’s secret.

no smoking

Once there was a very foggy day in the south India….. then finally it was discovered that Rajnikant was smoking that day

new car

A 22 wheeler Tata truck once crashed on to RajniKant. Now it is called Tata Nano.

Inception- Real Story

Rajnikant didn’t watch Inception. He planted the idea in Nolan’s head.

wax statue

Rajnikant has a wax statue of Madame Tussauds in his house.


Rajnikant was invited into BIG BOSS.

Next day.

"Big Boss", Rajnikant chahte hai ki aap confession room me aaye"

fastest creature

Who is d fastest creature on earth?? The answer is Cheetah..I know what you would have thought..Rajnikant na

free cell charging

You’ll never need to charge your cellphone battery if you have enough Rajnikant sms stored in your phone.

morning walk

Rajnikant was caught on NH 47 for speeding (with the help of speed radars)….He paid the fine and continued his morning Walk!!


Once rajnikant kicked a still rotates around the sun and is known as pluto


Rajnikant once threw a coin in pity at a BLaCK beggar……..He is now known as 50cent


Rajnikant started writing his autobiography some years ago and today its called The Guinness Book of World Records

CID Training

Once Rajnikant taught a kid how to enter a house without ringing the door bell….That person is now called sub inspector DAYA of CID

most exciting tv show

Dont miss the most exiting TV show
ever on Discovery Channel”’.




blink blink ;)

Rajnikant once ate an entire bottle of sleeping pills. They made him blink.

the bermuda

The Bermuda Triangle used to be the Bermuda Square, until Rajnikant kicked one of the corners off.

Movie time

It takes Rajnikant 20 minutes to watch 60 Minutes.


Rajnikant doesn’t bowl strikes, he just knocks down one pin and the other nine faint.

milk story

Rajnikant can drink an entire gallon of milk in thirty-seven seconds.

cool off

Rajnikant grinds his coffee with his teeth and boils the water with his own rage.

Sooo many moons

Rajnikant has 12 moons. One of those moons is the Earth.

The Universe

In the beginning there was nothing…then Rajnikant kicked that nothing in the face and said “Get a job”. That is the story of the universe.


Rajnikant invented black. In fact, he invented the entire spectrum of visible light. Except pink. Tom Cruise invented pink.

GRE new rules

When taking the GRE, write “Rajnikant” for every answer. You will score over 1600.

power kick

Newton’s Third Law is wrong: Although it states that for each action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, there is no force equal in reaction to a Rajnikant turnaround kick.


Rajnikant can divide by zero.

Mr. Writer

Rajnikant doesn’t actually write books, the words assemble themselves out of fear.

Ice Mountain

A child went to kashmir made small mountains from ice..
today those mountains r called

The child was


NAME: Rajnikhanth

Hobby: playin wid TIGER & LION

Hz RECORD-Fought wid ELEPANT & broke hz neck


Sily things done:swiming in tsunami

most embarasement moment:cudnot kil 2 shark in 1 punch

proudest moment:wen da biggest cobra died aftr bitin him

poor bullet

Rajnikanth was shot today..Tomorrow is the bullet’s funeral

Apple logo

The missing piece of Apple Inc. logo was officially eaten by Rajnikanth

Amazing Race

Rajnikanth once entered a race, he came first, second & third


Rajnikant doesn’t pay attention- attention pays him.

No Jumps

Rajnikant can finish mario without using the jump button.

Eternal Life

Rajnikant had died 20 yrs ago..death hasn’t built up the courage to tell him yet.

Magic Finger

Once Rajnikant had a fight with his wife, he showed her his middle finger, she became pregnant..

powerful email id

Most of the people in the world uses email address powered by GMAIL.

But do ypu know what is GMAIL's Email id?

Breaking News

Breaking News: Rajnikanth just deleted the Recycle Bin....



The Fear

Once Rajanikanth looks in a mirror it shatters,
because the mirror is not stupid enough to get in between the two Rajanikanths

Magical Cheque

Rajinikanth once wrote a cheque,
The Bank BOUNCED !!!!!

Mighty Finger

Once jordan was spinning basketball on his fingers and asks Rajnikanth "Can you do it?"

Rajnikanth replies "ena rascala dont u know how earth rotates!"

TITANIC in Tamil

Rajnikant's latest project."TITANIC"tamil version.

Both hero n heroin survives...

Rajni swims atlantic.

heroin in 1 hand n titanic in other...

Rajnikant Introduction

What did shivaji (RajniKant)
say to bruce Lee when he meet him?
Tu "Karaate" Main "Maraathe"..!!

Raksha Aid

ones rajnikanth's sister got hurt on her right hand
he tied her first aid.
now it iz known as